Thursday, June 7, 2012

Well, the past month has been crazy.
But i have progress with my flowers.
After i finish mowing and weedwacking, I will post more pictures of my progress and descriptions of my flowers!

Happy Planting everyone!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Crazy Weather


We had a week of 80 degree weather in the beginning of March, the rest of March was pretty nice, and we just had a week of low 40's to deal with... at the end of April. And a threat of snow. We were supposed to get 4" but ended up only getting some mix for a while in my area.

My flowers have survived so far. So i'm thankful for that.

Anyway, time to update with some pictures. I have some from last year, and I will post the updated looks later on.

This is the front of the house last spring when i started working on it

After i weeded and planted my Tulips, Hyacinths and Daffodils

Everything's Growing good now!

                       My japanese maple with some reclaimed bricks and annuals planted around it

Surrounded a hard to mow area by the driveway with river rock.

A shott off of my Mother's Snowball bush she planted. A branch grew into the ground and rooted, so i cut it and re-planted it.

 The Snowball bush at the end of the driveway

Another shot of the river rock bed.

The climbing rose my grandmother planted is finally starting to grow!

My Lilly's in full bloom

As soon as I remember what this is, I'll let you know... *lol*

Reclaimed some bench planters, painted them, and made them pop a little color in my bed.

All of my lilly's in bloom.

More to Come!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Unpredictable weather

Well, After a week of record temps in the 80's, we have a frost warning for tomorrow night. Hopefully i found enough old sheets to try to save my buds. I will probably cry if it kills all my baby flowers.
It's surprising that it's the end of March and I've already; weeded my flower beds, cut back my shrubs, mowed my grass (ugh! starting already), and put away most of my heavy winter clothes. This weather is outrageous.
I'm not sure if this frost is going to kill the flowers on the trees or not. I don't believe i'm familiar with that area. I'll have to look it up.
After the frost threat is over, it will be time to plan my new flower beds and get my vegetable garden in.


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Dancing Daffodil's

The days have now become warm and balmy and every bit of spring. My daffodil's are blooming in colors of white and yellow and my tulips are fighting to see who will bloom first.

Picked up more flowers today.

I bought some red, white, purple, yellow, and red and white tulips. Along with a forsynthia bush and some bright, vibrant gladiolus bulbs.

I bought morning glory's in multi-color, purple, blue and moonflowers. Poppy, columbine, baby's breath, and some other various seeds. And some seed starting kits. I'm going to be having a good ole time :-)

I will soon be uploading progress pictures and pictures of my flowers as they bloom.

Happy planting everyone!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spring has Sprung

And I believe it's officially spring now here in southwestern Pennsylvania.

It has been in the mid 70's the past two days and I have wore myself out playing in my yard.

I have most of my flowerbed's weeded, the stick's and branches picked up and burned, and most of the garbage out of the yard.

My daffodils are ready to bloom and my tulips and hyacinths are fighting to see who can grow faster.

The lily's are already 2 inches tall and the clamatis I planted over at the stable is starting to get green, so I guess i did something right with it. I've never planted it before.

I still have to cut back my snowball, butterfly, burning, holly and 'misc' bushs so they grow fuller and cut back my roses. Then finish weeding and get mulch. Depending on if i get more plants, plant them, and I may design a new flowerbed. Haha. I'm going to be busy busy busy.

I'm ready to get back in shape and get some sun on my face :)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Our Weather is like a Woman

During her worst time of month.

Two days ago I was sitting here with the windows open listening to the birds chirp.

Yesterday and today has been a mix between blinding wind and snow and sunshine. Someone give mother nature some chocolate. Yesterday, i would look out my window and it would be sunny. Cold, yes, but sunny. Five minutes later there's snow blowing sideways in a torrent covering everything till it was white outside.
Then the sun would come back out. POOF! the world is green again.
Talk about a temper tantrum.

I just hope all this fluctuating with the weather won't hurt my bulbs that started to come up.

We'll see what happens.

Oh yeah, it's 27 degrees out right now: it's supposed to be 59/60 degrees thursday and friday...

Friday, March 2, 2012

As March Dawns, so does Spring

I sit here this morning and can't help but smile to myself.
Spring is dawning.
It may be a couple more weeks until it actually spreads its wings over us (southwestern PA had wierd weather), but I know it's almost here. And so does my bulbs.
My daffodils are coming up in full force, my hyacinths are sprouting, and my tulips are pushing through the dirt. I can hear the birds calling out in joy through my window. It's actually warm enough today to have them open and enjoy the fresh air. It's overcast today, but I know the sun's on the other side of the clouds smiling down at us.
It makes me happy.
I really dislike winter. I am not a cold person. I don't like it when everything looks dead. I don't mind the snow, it makes for beautiful pictures, but you won't see me playing in it. I live for spring, when everything starts to thrive again.
Kind of like my life right now.
My life feels like the spring. I am a spring flower. Making my push through that brown wall to fan my face in the warm sun. Spread my petals and embrace the world and what's to come. To nurture the butterflies and the bees (a lot like i nurture my household) and add a splash of color to the world (Like what i do with my gardens)
Pretty soon, my life will be like Summer, but we'll get to that when it comes. I will embrace my Spring and love it