Monday, March 5, 2012

Our Weather is like a Woman

During her worst time of month.

Two days ago I was sitting here with the windows open listening to the birds chirp.

Yesterday and today has been a mix between blinding wind and snow and sunshine. Someone give mother nature some chocolate. Yesterday, i would look out my window and it would be sunny. Cold, yes, but sunny. Five minutes later there's snow blowing sideways in a torrent covering everything till it was white outside.
Then the sun would come back out. POOF! the world is green again.
Talk about a temper tantrum.

I just hope all this fluctuating with the weather won't hurt my bulbs that started to come up.

We'll see what happens.

Oh yeah, it's 27 degrees out right now: it's supposed to be 59/60 degrees thursday and friday...

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