Friday, March 2, 2012

As March Dawns, so does Spring

I sit here this morning and can't help but smile to myself.
Spring is dawning.
It may be a couple more weeks until it actually spreads its wings over us (southwestern PA had wierd weather), but I know it's almost here. And so does my bulbs.
My daffodils are coming up in full force, my hyacinths are sprouting, and my tulips are pushing through the dirt. I can hear the birds calling out in joy through my window. It's actually warm enough today to have them open and enjoy the fresh air. It's overcast today, but I know the sun's on the other side of the clouds smiling down at us.
It makes me happy.
I really dislike winter. I am not a cold person. I don't like it when everything looks dead. I don't mind the snow, it makes for beautiful pictures, but you won't see me playing in it. I live for spring, when everything starts to thrive again.
Kind of like my life right now.
My life feels like the spring. I am a spring flower. Making my push through that brown wall to fan my face in the warm sun. Spread my petals and embrace the world and what's to come. To nurture the butterflies and the bees (a lot like i nurture my household) and add a splash of color to the world (Like what i do with my gardens)
Pretty soon, my life will be like Summer, but we'll get to that when it comes. I will embrace my Spring and love it

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